criminal justice reform

The Power of Safe Injection Sites

The Power of Safe Injection Sites

Can you imagine a facility where individuals can go to inject heroin safely with clean supplies and medical supervision being allowed to exist, legally speaking? If you said no, you’re in for a great surprise. Safe injection sites exist around the world as lawful facilities supervised by licensed health personnel where drug addicts inject drugs that they acquired elsewhere. They have been operating in Europe since the 1980s and there are today approximately 120 sites operating in twelve countries.

Addiction and Drug-induced Homicide: More Lives Lost, More Freedom Lost

Addiction and Drug-induced Homicide: More Lives Lost, More Freedom Lost

Addiction does not discriminate. In the United States, drug overdose deaths are at an all-time high and affect people of all races, socioeconomic status, and ages. From 1999 to 2014, the total number of overdose deaths nation-wide nearly tripled and this number only continues to rise. In 2015, the Center for Disease Control (“CDC”), reported that more than 52,000 people died of a drug overdose. In 2016, the national total reached 63,600 overdose deaths, and in 2017, the number increased to 72,000.